The last couple of days have been amazing. I feel the presence of the Lord all over these Blogs. I could see hundreds and even thousands of people coming to life through these revelations. I can see Mega People rising out of the ashes, people that have been looked over, torn down and left for dead, I can see them getting up and overcoming every single obstacle that life has thrown at them.
The questions that I ended the last blog with which was Part 2, I posed these two questions: Will you receive what the Lord wants to pour into you today? Will you continue to pour out into others? I can feel a real excitement in my spirit on two levels, one is a stirring that challenges you and me to get up and reevaluate some areas of our lives that need serious change. Second, I feel a force, and how I can best describe it is the Spirit of the Lord is forcing / pushing back darkness that we have allowed to linger over us in certain areas of our lives.
Those were areas where we were exposing ourselves, leaving the DOORS OPEN to the world, where now we are SHUTTING THE DOORS to the noise and distractions all around us so that the Lord can do in and through each one of us, what He’s always wanted to do for us, as He did for the widow and her two sons.
As we look back at verse 6 for a moment, we see that the Widow asks her son for another vessel, keeping in mind that each vessel prior to this has been filled regardless of their condition. They were empty and now they are full. The moment came when the Widow asked her son for another vessel and that’s when her son replied, “There is not another vessel”. The Lord immediately showed me that the oil was continually flowing and did not stop until a confession was made by her son, that there was not another vessel to be filled. Once this statement was made, and his mother heard this, it was at that moment that the oil ceased.
The Bible tells us that we will never have all the answers that people may be looking for, that is why we should not get caught up in debates or arguments. There are many mysteries of God and about God that I believe will be revealed to us when He calls us home to be with Him. That is the beauty of who we serve, that not every detail is known, or must be known about our almighty God. So here is the rest of the verses that I would like to go back to before I reveal the rest of what the Lord has imparted into me.
2 Kings chapter 4 verses 6 thru 7
6 Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.”
And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So, the oil ceased.
7 Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.”
So once the oil ceased, that is when the DOOR WAS OPENED to the outside, only after this miracle ended. The Widow came to where the man of God was, and she informed Elisha that it was finished! But was it? This is the question that I must ask everyone, what is finished? When Jesus hung on the Cross and uttered those final words, IT IS FINISHED, was it? Or was it just the beginning of a new era? Well, what the Widow and her Sons experienced behind closed doors was just the beginning of their blessings.
Now Elisha instructed her further, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.” The first of these instructions was to go and visit your creditor, the one in which you owe a great debt to and pay your debt in FULL! Don’t pay it in installments, don’t try and get a payment plan, no go and pay it IN FULL! Because installments of being free, is not free at all. But Jesus came that He would set us FREE INDEED! Some of us are still paying restitution towards something that we can no longer identify with. The old you, the now dead you need to depart from your old debtors and start anew.
The final instruction that Elisha gave the Widow was that with the overflow, you and your sons live on the rest. So, the pouring continued for the rest of their lives. Because when we focus on the beginning, God sees it to the end. What Jesus declared to be FINISHED was just the BEGINNING! What God wants to do with you and for you is not always for everyone else to see, although they can receive from you through your testimony.
So, because I am just a man, with a heart to please God in everything I do. A heart that as I go out into the world, not being of the world, my heart is that everything that I do, I strive to be pleasing in the sight of Jesus. That I represent Jesus to the very best of my ability each day. When I speak with people, or love on a person, or lead someone to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, my hope and prayer is that they don’t hear or see me, a man, but that everything that comes out of me, that they would hear and see Jesus! And that I would NEVER STOP POURING OUT, because there are millions of empty vessels out there in the world just waiting to be borrowed, then returned filled by God, Jesus, Holy Spirit!
Now back to the revelation that I received from Jesus as I stood at the Pulpit in Ticonderoga N.Y. The what if’s that I always ask because I always want to know. Maybe it’s the Brooklyn Boy in me, because I was raised knowing that I have the right to ask questions. I have every right to know what I’m getting myself into, and now that I am all things Jesus, I have more confidence to approach my Heavenly Father and ask Him what if? And the incredible Father that we all have, because we are one with Him, my what if question was profound.
The Pouring Only Stops When You Stop Pouring
I immediately saw those vessels as Souls, lives that did not yet know Jesus. I saw that scripture come to life in this current day, and that’s when Jesus revealed to me because I asked what if the sons of this widow said I will go out and get more vessels, would that oil that ceased flowing continue to flow. The Lord said to me The Pouring Only Stops When You Stop Pouring. The greater than, the more than enough, the abundantly above, all that we desire. Psalm 37:3-5 in the Amplified translation reads: 3 Trust [rely on and have confidence] in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and feed [securely] on His faithfulness. 4 Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires and petitions of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the Lord; Trust in Him also and He will do it.
If you can wholeheartedly look around and tell Jesus that there are no more vessels (precious lives to pour into) then the pouring that the Lord desires to do through you will cease. Matthew 7:2 in the Amplified translation reads: 2 For just as you [hypocritically] judge others [when you are sinful and unrepentant], so will you be judged; and in accordance with your standard of measure [used to pass out judgment], judgment will be measured to you.
With Jesus you will never be or feel empty again, if you are willing to pour your life out into others then you will not only be filled, but you will also overflow. Know this and live this so that you can test Luke 6:38 in the Amplified translation reads: 38 Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over [with no space left for more]. For with the standard of measurement you use [when you do good to others], it will be measured to you in return.”
The greatest Harvest of Souls is upon us. Use everything you have to reach and win as many Souls to Jesus as you possibly can. Empty vessels are out there waiting on all of us to pour the Spirit that is in us, into them! Acts 2:17 in the New King James translation reads: 17 ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.
The greatest outpouring of the Spirit of God is among us, and although at times we may feel that we have nothing to give, that’s good, then nothing but the Blood of Jesus that washed you and set you free will surely wash them and set them free.
Thank you for reading this blog, I hope it has blessed you!
Carmine Azzato
April 15, 2022, Hitting The Pavement