A popular phrase that’s used in America is divide and conquer. This phrase is mostly used when a group of people discuss a strategic plan to complete a large task. Once the task is identified amongst several individuals, it’s commonly understood that more can be accomplished when working together. It’s when that group of individuals divide themselves according to their personal strengths, success in most likely obtainable.
Success is only obtained when everyone collectively stays on task while attacking the target from multiple angles. This is what the body of Christ is supposed to accomplish and exemplify. It’s unfortunate that many Christ followers, Churches, Ministers, and Ministries have not accomplished more. I believe that what God gives to His body, to those that He calls, should never be hoarded. I believe that God gives everything we need to fulfill His purpose. Once we receive from God, I believe He waits to see what we do with what He has given to us. We must recognize and fully understand that everything we have, everything in our possession still belongs to God.
This is what the Bible says in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 8 verses 17-18 CEB. 17 Don’t think to yourself, my own strength and abilities have produced all this prosperity for me. 18 Remember the Lord your God! He’s the one who gives you the strength to be prosperous in order to establish the covenant he made with your ancestors—and that’s how things stand right now. This is always a great reminder for us to never forget the source of all our blessings.
Therefore, the world right now, sits back and observes many people and denominations that claim to follow the same Jesus. So, how do these unbelievers, these lost souls, those that Jesus came to seek and save, encounter Him? They encounter Jesus the moment we stop competing against each other and begin completing each other. The moment those that are not yet saved begin observing a comradery, a oneness between us. We, the body of Christ must become fully functional, every part fitly joined and working together.
This is what the Bible says in the book of Ephesians, chapter 4 verses 15-16 CEB. 15 Instead, by speaking the truth with love, let’s grow in every way into Christ, 16 who is the head. The whole body grows from him, as it is joined and held together by all the supporting ligaments. The body makes itself grow in that it builds itself up with love as each one does its part. This comes directly after Apostle Paul speaks about the Unity of the faith. Apostle Paul also stresses that God’s goal is that we are to become mature adults in Christ Jesus.
Know that anyone who carries the Cross of Jesus Christ wherever they go will warrant a response from onlookers. Many responses will be that of hope, gratitude, and relief. Meanwhile, other onlookers will not respond that way. There is nothing that offends people of the world more than our steadfastness in Jesus Christ. Offence comes to them when you are not moved or respond to their verbal attacks. Jesus forewarned us that the world will hate us because it hated Him. Their initial opposition should be looked at as a chipping away. Chipping away the layers and then piercing through their hardened hearts.
People in the streets have been preached at and preached too for far too long. We must know our surroundings and be excellent in adapting to those surroundings. There are times and places that the Gospel of Jesus Christ needs to be preached. It’s more evident now, in this current day that we’re living in, that the Bible is losing its reach. Apostle Paul said it best, and we need to adapt to what he said.
This is what the Bible says in the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter 9 verse 22 CEB. 22 To the weak I became [as the] weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means [in any and every way] save some [by leading them to faith in Jesus Christ]. Keep in mind that Apostle Paul was never weak, he just knew his surroundings. Apostle Paul knew how to meet and reach his community.
Reaching does not mean that we are not preaching the Gospel. The Gospel message should be coming out of every one of us, all the time. Jesus Himself told his own Disciples that as they loved and served each other, something would happen. The lesson that Jesus was teaching them was that when the onlookers would observe what they were doing for each other, then they would know that they were with Jesus. See, our actions produce way more meaning than our words.
We are all being affected by a society of broken promises. We are all coming out of one of the most trying seasons that mankind has ever endured. I personally believe that the worst is yet to come because so many have fallen into a slumber. There are so many distractions that the world is throwing at us. Satan’s like the guy in Times Square that is hustling anyone that will stop what they’re doing for just a minute.
The moment Satan grabs even the slightest bit of your time, you are his, even for a moment. The sleight of hand is just the beginning of you believing you can escape his grasp. Before you know it, time has just passed you bye, now you find yourself in way over your head. Once Satan knows you’re broke, he moves to the next corner, seeking to destroy his next victim.
That’s why being alone, trying to do this life alone doesn’t work. Together is always better when you can first identify the Christ in each other. Second is even more powerful when you can identify and honor the part that Christ gave to each of us. We’ve all been given something precious and extremely valuable. This life when done together we can do more to advance the Kingdom of God. Then simultaneously will tear down the demonic strongholds that are claiming Gods precious children.
This is what the Bible says in the book of 2 Peter chapter 1 verse 3 AMP. 3 For His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] everything necessary for [a dynamic spiritual] life and godliness, through true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. We must keep in mind that we are not calling people to ourselves. We are calling people to their own personal encounter to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Even more reason that we should strive daily to show the world how much we care about them. Each of us being the true example that every single life matters. Teaching them that doesn’t know Jesus yet. Testifying that our lives mattered so much to Him, that He sacrificed His own life that we should live. But not to just live this life, but a life more abundantly in Christ Jesus.
Together we make up the most beautiful tapestry this world has ever seen. Weaved together by the Mighty Hand of God, every uniqueness about us. Our colors, genders, physical frames, family trees, our histories, our cultures, our traditions. Yet, all these things that are used to separate us and cause division. But God, God chose us to wear all these things temporarily. Knowing that one day we would all be united by the most powerful bonding agent this world has ever known. That bonding agent is and will forever be the blood of Jesus! Jesus, the name above all names!
Now it’s time to go out into all the world. Together we can divide, conquer and make disciples of all nations!
Thank you for reading this blog, I hope it has blessed and ignited you!
Carmine Azzato