Where Wrestling For Souls was born.
When Carmine first gave his life to Jesus back in 2002 he didn’t know, nor understand how the Lord could use him. Once he came out of the world of Professional Wrestling his identity became his new opponent. Wrestling with the idea that I’m nothing, and I’m no one, couldn’t be further from the truth. The Bible tells us that we no longer need to wrestle against our own flesh or against the flesh of others. And this is where Carmine’s greatest comeback story ever told began.
Ephesians 6:12
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
This story truly began when Carmine began surrounding himself with strong seasoned men that attended the same church that he attended. This was the greatest recipe for what would become his newly found success. These men of God taught Carmine many Biblical principles but it was not just by the words that came out of their mouths, but by the actions that Carmine witnessed that allowed him to desire to do the same. It began with tithing, the most difficult and challenging place to be obedient, especially for a new Christ follower. And not only in the Church world, when it comes to your money, it’s the hardest place to trust in any area of life. But God not only showed up for Carmine and his financial needs, He showed off big time.
Then Carmine was completely sold out for Jesus when the Church brought in a guest ministry that called out this new believer. Carmine was not only physically healed; he was prophesied over. A complete stranger at the time reading Carmine’s mail opened up a discussion as to what Carmine did for a career. When Pro Wrestling was mentioned this guest Evangelist proposed that Carmine and a team of other local wrestlers put on a Wrestling show for the community during an outreach, but not for fame, or for money, or for personal gain, just for Jesus! Carmine was asked to share his Testimony at the very end of the last match. Carmine’s reply was no at first, because he didn’t believe he had a story worth telling. Carmine was then asked to just share his story of where he once was, what he came out of and what Jesus did for him.
On that day after telling his own personal story and seeing the tears well up in people’s eyes, Carmine then proceeded to ask them if they wanted to experience that same life changing decision to come forward, and they did! Some walked to the Wrestling Ring, some ran to the Ring, many climbed in because the parking lot was packed with over 500 people of all ages and all races answering the same call, the same invitation to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. That day was the beginning of Carmine’s new identity in Christ Jesus!
Carmine would never be the same again, and this is where Wrestling For Souls began!
For anyone struggling in their identity as I once did. Once you fully know and understand who’s you are, it will help you to fully understand who you are!
John 3:17
17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.